Saturday, 20 April 2013

Today around 300 Ethiopian's stopped Abay dam Fundraising in Stavanger Norway!

Today around 300 Ethiopian's stopped  the meeting in stavanger Norway  for fundraising for Abay dam which is called by   representatives from the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm Abay Mebrat Beyene.
 The police feared that it would get completely out of control when people in the audience went to the hard verbal confrontation against two representatives from the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm who had called for and chaired the meeting.
The police gave the first message that all protesters to leave the meeting while the two embassy people and their potential supporters can be seated. This denied the attendees protesters, and several feared it would come to an open confrontation between police and people in the audience. Then, specific efforts manager Øyvind Sveinsvoll of Rogaland police to stop the meeting and clear the room.
It was a wise decision, said several of those present protesters. They did not want the two embassy people should be left as "victors" while they were evicted.
The atmosphere was tense that the police chose to isolate the two embassy people from the rest of the participants. They escorted them out to a private car that carried them away from the area. The 300 attendees were then drop out of the courtroom.
There was general consul at the Ethiopian Embassy, ​​Abay Mebrat Beyene, who would chair the meeting with embassy secretary. The main theme was collecting money in the Ethiopian exile to a very controversial oppdemningsprosjekt - a prestige project for the regime in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian authorities have tried to keep similar "recovery meetings" both in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the U.S. and Germany, and each time meetings have ended in massive demonstrations against human rights violations in Ethiopia. People imprisoned without trial, free elections are abolished, freedom of speech likewise, newspapers are state controlled and hundreds of journalists imprisoned.
Several took the floor during the meeting the key bydelshus and said this was not a voluntary fundraising. Those who did not pay the money, you could expect problems when they contacted the embassy to obtain a passport or ID papers.
Saturday's meeting was the first of its kind in Norway. And exiled Ethiopians came in separate buses from Oslo, others came from  Steinkjær, Otta, Stord and Bergen other part of Norway to demonstrate in Tasta bydelshus  stavanger against the regime in Ethiopia.
28. April, the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm hold a similar meeting in Oslo.

ዜና ገራሚ፤ ቤኒሻንጉል ክልል የሄዱ የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ አመራሮች ታሰሩ!

ከቤኒሻንጉል ጉምዝ ክልል “ውጡ” ተብለው ከተባረሩ በኋላ ደግሞ “ግቡ” ተብለው የተመለሱ ወገኖች ያሉበትን ሁኔታ ለማየት የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ አመራር አባላት ሚያዝያ 11/2005 ዓ.ም ወደ ክልሉ አምርተው ነበር፡፡ መተከል ዞን ሲደርሱ ግን የዞኑ ፖሊስ አስሯቸዋል፡፡
የዞኑ ፖሊስን ለማነጋገር ያደረግነው ጥረት የለም፡፡ እንደምንገምተው ግን ፖሊስ፤ የፓርቲው አመራር አባላትን ሲመለከት፤ የውጪ ሀገር ሰዎች ህገ ወጥ ዝውውር ሲያደርጉ የያዛቸው መስሎት ሳይሆን እንደማይቀር ይጠረጠራል!
ጎበዝ፤ ሀገር ቤት ዘመዶቻችንንም ለማየት ልንከለከል ነው ማለት ነው…!?
በሳውዲ፣ በየመን፣ በኬኒያ በታንዛኒያ ህገ ወጥ ዝውውር አደረጋችሁ ተብለን ለምንታሰረው ስለምን እንገረማለን እነሆ በራሳችን ሀገር ከክልል ክልል መዘዋወርስ መቼ ተቻለን…!?

By Abe Tokichaw

Reeyot Alemu: Ethiopia's Jailed Truth Teller

Reeyot Alemu
Reeyot Alemu
She’s spent the last 669 days languishing behind the bars of a notoriously brutal prison, but Ethiopian journalist Reeyot Alemu has not been forgotten. On Tuesday, the 32-year-old female dissident was honored with the 2013 UNESCO-Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize. In announcing the prize, the jury hailed her “exceptional courage, resistance and commitment to freedom of expression.” But no amount of international awards and public outcry have succeeded in gaining her freedom—and her medical condition is reportedly deteriorating. After recently undergoing surgery for a breast tumor, she was immediately sent back to the Kality Prison with no downtime for recovery, according to reports.
Last year, the International Women’s Media Foundation bestowed a Courage in Journalism Award on Alemu in absentia for her “refusal to self-censor in a place where that practice in standard, and her unwillingness to apologize for truth-telling, even though contrition could win her freedom.” At the ceremony, the presenters read a note from Alemu that had been smuggled out of prison. “For EPRDF [Ethiopia’s ruling party], journalists must be propaganda machines,” she wrote.

Alemu worked, among other roles, as a columnist for the weekly independent paper Feteh, which was later shuttered by the government. Four days before her arrest, Alemu had written a scathing critique of the ruling political party’s fundraising methods for a national dam project, and had apparently drawn parallels between late Libyan despot Muammar Gaddafi and Ethiopia’s then-Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi. (He would die a year later, in August 2012.)

On June 21, 2011, Alemu was seized from the high-school English class she taught, and placed under arrest, with reportedly no information about why she was being detained alongside another journalist and two politicians.
Her outspoken criticism on political and social issues was not viewed lightly by the government, which has been notoriously suppressive of the press for decades. In 2012, the Committee to Protect Journalists named Ethiopia as one of the ten countries where press freedom suffered most.
“The group was caught while plotting to sabotage electricity and telephone lines in an attempt to wreak havoc in the country,” the assistant commissioner police chief claimed.
“Further investigation has also revealed that they acted to recruit others to carry out terrorist activities with support from the Eritrean government and other anti-peace groups.” 

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Ethiopians have held a grand demonstration in Oslo, Norway

April 18,2013 at 02:00 pm Ethiopians have held a grand
demonstration in Oslo, Norway opposing the eviction and
ethnic cleansing of Amhara Ethnic from Benshangul Gumz region
and Gurafeda in southern Ethiopia region. Many were holding
a slogans that says "Ethnic cleansing is a crime",
"Stop ethnic cleanising of Amharas from benishangul Gumuz
and Southrn Ethiopia", "Forceful Eviction is violating Human rights!
Inadition , Norway must stop supporting Ethiopia's government
financially and morally. The regime is undemocratic and willing
to engage in ethnic cleansing, was one of the charges were read out.
Support Organization like Democratic change in Ethiopia support
(DCESON), Ethiopian people's Revolutionary (EPRP) ,
Muslim community and Ethiopian community has present
speech through their representatives.

የቤንሻንጉል-ጉምዝ የአማራ ተፈናቃዮች በምዕራብ ኢትዮጵያ ቤንሻንጉል ጉምዝ ክልል የሚኖሩ የአማራ ብሄር አባል የሆኑ አርሦ አደሮች «ለዓመታት ከኖርንበት እየተፈናቀልን ነው፤ መድረሻ ግን የለንም» ሲሉ አቤቱታ እያሰሙ ነው፡፡

ሐሙስ, ኤፕረል 18, 2013 VOA
የቤንሻንጉል-ጉምዝ ዞኖችና ወረዳዎች
የቤንሻንጉል-ጉምዝ ዞኖችና ወረዳዎች

በምዕራብ ኢትዮጵያ ቤንሻንጉል ጉምዝ ክልል የሚኖሩ የአማራ ብሄር አባል የሆኑ አርሦ አደሮች «ለዓመታት ከኖርንበት እየተፈናቀልን ነው፤ መድረሻ ግን የለንም» ሲሉ አቤቱታ እያሰሙ ነው፡፡

ይህንኑ ቅሬታቸውን መነሻ በማድረግ ሁለት አርሦ አደሮችን ባለፈው የካቲት 29, 2005 ዓ.ም መዘገባችን ይታወሳል።

በማግስቱ መጋቢት 30 / 2005 ዓ.ም መልስ የሰጡን የክልሉ ፕሬዚደንት ግን ማንም በግድ እንዳልተባረረ በማስተባበል የሠፈሩበት ቦታ ለቤቶች ግንባታ ስለሚፈለግ በምትኩ ሌላ የእርሻ ማሳ ተስጥቷቸዋል ማለታቸውንም ዘግበናል።

ከየትና ከመቼ ጀምሮ ከቤንሻንጉል ጉምዝ ቀበሌዎች የአማራ ገበሬዎች መፈናቀል እንደጀመሩ ምክንያቱን ጭምር አንድ ተፈናቃይ ገልፀውልናል፤ የበቀል እርምጃ እንዳይወሰድባቸው በመሥጋት ግን ስማቸው እንዳይገለፅ ጠይቀዋል።

Be a voice to the voiceless Forcefully Evictied people in Ethiopia!

Monday, 15 April 2013


Let us be voice for the voiceless who are victimes and forcefully  evicted by TPLF in Ethiopia!!